Airboat Tours

WordPress Website Design Project

Corey Billie’s Airboat Tours

Corey Billie’s Airboat Tours is your expert guide to the hidden treasures of the wild. Experience the thrill of navigating through the heart of the Everglades, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Content Management System

A CMS websites allow users to create, manage, and modify content without specialized technical knowledge. Benefits: Easy content updates, collaborative features, and streamlined management.

Mobile Responsive Design

Mobile Responsive Design ensures a website’s layout adjusts seamlessly across devices and screen sizes.

Benefits: Improved user experience, higher engagement, and better SEO.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the practice of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results.

Benefits: Increases visibility, drives organic traffic, and enhances credibility.

Secure SSL Encryption

Secure SSL Encryption encrypts data between a user’s browser and a website, ensuring safe and private communication.

Benefits: Protects sensitive information, builds trust, and boosts search rankings.

Customized Lead Forms

Customized Lead Forms are tailored forms on a website used to collect specific customer information.

Benefits: Improves data accuracy, enhances user experience, and boosts lead generation.

Home Page

Airboat Tour - Website Design Project

Company Page

Airboat Tour - Website Design Project

Ride Info Page

Airboat Tour - Website Design Project

Fun Facts Page

Airboat Tour - Website Design Project

Gallery Page

Airboat Tour - Website Design Project

Contact Page

Airboat Tour - Website Design Project